Local Users


The Local Users feature allows a single point for the creation or management of local user accounts. The Local Users feature can use SSH authorized keys to control user access by using their local password; it is a point of control for:

  • Authentication and authorization.

  • Creating and editing user descriptions.

  • Local passwords.

  • User roles (admin or co sole user).

  • Accessible ports.

See the Button Action Definitions table on the following page:

Button Action Definitions:

Add a new local user.
Edit an existing user.
Enable an existing user.
Manage SSH Authorized Keys.
Disable an existing user (or disable selected users).
Delete a user (or delete selected users).

Create a New User With Password

Note: Users are prevented from using the word “default” as their password. The factory default password automatically expires after a factory reset and users must choose a new password. This password policy applies to the WebUI, Config Shell and CLI. users configured on the system using software versions prior to 23.10 with password “default” are forced to change the user password to something other than “default” after upgrading to 23.10. This password feature update applies to configured boxes with existing users, not just factory defaulted software.

  1. Navigate to the CONFIGURE > USER MANAGEMENT > Local Users page.

  1. Click the Add User button. The New User dialog appears.

  2. Enter a Username, Description, and Password that the new user will use.

  3. Re-enter the Password in the Confirm Password field.

  4. Select the Enabled checkbox.

  5. Click Apply. A banner will confirm that the data has been saved.

Create a New User With No Password (Remote Authentication)

To create a new user with no password.

Note:If a new user is created with no password, this will cause the user to fall-back use remote authentication.

  1. Select CONFIGURE > User Management > Remote Authentication

  2. Select a Mode.

  3. Enter Settings and click Apply.

  4. Select CONFIGURE > USER MANAGEMENT > Local Users

  5. Click the Add User button. The New User dialog loads.

  6. Enter a Username, Description.

  7. Select the Remote PasswordOnly checkbox.

  8. Select the Enabled checkbox.

  9. Click Apply. A banner will confirm that the data has been saved.

Modify An Existing User Account With Password

  1. Select CONFIGURE > USER MANAGEMENT > Local Users

  2. Click the Edit User button and make the required changes.

  3. Click Save User. A banner will confirm the changes have been saved.

The Edit Users dialog allows the user’s Description to be changed, Group Memberships modified, and the user’s Password to be reset. The username cannot be changed. To disable a user, uncheck the Enabled checkbox.

Note:Users of disabled accounts cannot log in to the Console Manager using either the Web-based interface or via shell-based logins.

Manage SSH Authorized Keys for a User Account

To manage SSH authorized keys for a user:

  1. Select CONFIGURE > USER MANAGEMENT > Local Users

  2. Click the Manage SSH Authorized Keys   button for that user.

  1. Click the Add Authorized Key button to add a new key. This opens the NEW AUTHORIZED KEY page for this user.

  1. Enter the key and click Apply. You can also click on Add Authorized Key and disable password for SSH for this user from this page.

  2. To delete a key, click CONFIGURE > USER MANAGEMENT > Local Users and click the Manage SSH Authorized Key button for the user.

  3. Click the Delete button next to the key you wish to remove.

Delete a User's Account

To delete a user's account:

  1. Select CONFIGURE > USER MANAGEMENT > Local Users

  2. Click the Delete User button in the Actions section next to the user to be deleted.

  3. Click Yes in the Confirmation dialog.