System Upgrade

CONFIGURE > SYSTEM > System Upgrade

You can perform a system upgrade when new firmware is released. After specifying the location of the firmware and beginning the upgrade process, the system will unavailable for several minutes and then reboot. Unlike a factory reset, users, and other configuration data is maintained after the upgrade.

To perform a system upgrade:

  1. Navigate to the CONFIGURE > System > System Upgrade page.

  2. Select the Upgrade Method, either Fetch image from HTTP/HTTPS Server or Upload Image.

Note:See for firmware updates.

Upgrade Via Fetch From Server

If upgrading via Fetch image from HTTP/HTTPS Server:

  1. Enter the URL for the system image in the Image URL text-entry field.

  2. Click Perform Upgrade.

Upgrade Via Upload

If upgrading via Upload Image:

  1. Click the Choose file button.

  2. Navigate to the directory containing the file.

  3. Select the file and press Return.

  4. Click Perform Upgrade.

Note:The Advanced Options section should only be used if a system upgrade is being performed as part of an Opengear Support call.

Once the upgrade has started, the System Upgrade page displays feedback as to the state of the process.