Lighthouse Architecture

Lighthouse is an API-driven platform with an HTML5 interface that provides secure access to remote networks regardless of how devices are connected or how a user interacts with the system.

In combination with select Opengear Appliances, Lighthouse can push and manage Docker containers to each remote location to provide additional functionality and automation.

Users with the Lighthouse Automation Edition can enable Smart Management Fabric (SMF) to allow all devices connected to a supported Opengear node to have direct routed IP access with each other. For example:

  • A user with access to Lighthouse from a device that is attached to the management subnet can access any enrolled Opengear node and the third-party network equipment attached to the enrolled Opengear node via routed IP.

  • An enterprise user connected to an IP network with a route to an enrolled Opengear device can access any other enrolled Opengear device (via IP).

  • Devices attached to Opengear nodes can use IP routed connectivity to other devices attached to other Opengear nodes.

  • Network automation and configuration tools deployed on centrally located servers can use IP routed connectivity to devices and systems attached to Opengear nodes. For example vCenter is the configuration tool and it is used to provision eSXI server instances attached to Opengear nodes.

    Note:The Smart Management Fabric (SMF) represents an advanced functionality designed to offer heightened flexibility and accessibility to network and IT professionals throughout the network fabric.
    However users must acknowledge the potential risk of overexposing the network, which could lead to bypassing Layer 2 or Layer 3 access control measures.

    Nodes connect to a central Lighthouse instance over an OpenVPN tunnel, and are accessed, managed, and monitored via services transported over the VPN tunnel.
    IMage showing Lighthouse architecture

Note:This diagram depicts High Availability. If there is no dependent Lighthouse, the setup remains the same but without the dependent elements.