Smart Management Fabric and NetOps Interactions

The Smart Management Fabric (SMF) feature can be used with the following NetOps features with some caveats:

IP Access

The IP Access Subnet Address is not unique and is present on every IP Access enabled node. This will cause routing issues for the Smart Management Fabric if there are multiple IP Access enabled nodes.

Secure Provisioning

The default Smart Management Fabric subnet range conflicts with the Secure Provisioning subnet range, however either change the Smart Management Fabric subnet range before enabling secure provisioning, or change the Secure Provisioning Subnet range before it is deployed.

Secure Provisioning Configuration.

The Secure Provisioning Subnet is not unique by default so if the default is used on more than one Smart Management Fabric node then it will effectively not be able to route to those Secure Provisioning connected devices.

Customize the Secure Provisioning Subnet by setting a static IPv4 address on the Node’s LAN interface before deploying Secure Provisioning. Secure Provisioning will then inherit the subnet range from a static IPv4 address on the node’s LAN interface address.
