Menu Pane

The Menu Pane provides access to the following items and displays them in the Main Pane:

Icon Item Description
Dashboard Opens the Dashboard page where you can view an overview for the Lighthouse instance that shows current status of the nodes and the cell health. This is selected by default when you log in to Lighthouse.
Jobs Opens the JOBS page where you can view an overview of currently running jobs and access jobs previously completed.
Nodes Opens the NODES page where you can view a grid of nodes either enrolled in Lighthouse or pending enrollment.
Ports Opens the PORTS page where you can view a dashboard that displays the status of all ports connected to node for which you have permissions to view/edit.
Resources Opens the RESOURCES page where you can manage connected resources.
Terminal Opens the TERMINAL page for access to the Lighthouse local web-based terminal.
Node Tools Expands the Node Tools Menu Items to manage config templates, enrollment bundles and firmware updates.
NetOps Expands the NetOps Menu Items to access components that enable automation of specific operational scenarios deployed as Docker containers.
Availability of this option is dependent on your subscription type.

Node Tools Menu Items

Note: Availability of these options is dependent on your subscription type.

The Node Tools menu section provides access to the following:

Menu Item Description
Config Templates Create and manage config templates to push to the nodes.
Enrollment Bundles Create and manage enrollment bundles.
Enrollment Settings Manage the token nodes use to request an enrollment and the default subscript to use for call home node enrollments.
Firmware Upgrade Schedule and manage firmware updates.

NetOps Menu Items

The NetOps menu section provides access to the following:

Menu Item Description
Manage NetOps Modules Manage and redeploy NetOps modules.
NetOps Installation Install NetOps modules.
IP Access Manage settings for the IP Access NetOps module.
Automation Gateway Manage your network using automation tools.