Create a Virtual Machine

  1. Ensure that you have completed the steps in Create an image.

  2. Navigate to the image you created in step 1.

    Note: You can either click the Go to resource button immediately after the image is created, or you can navigate to Azure Services, click the Images icon and then click the image.

  3. At the top of the page, click Create VM.

    The Create a virtual machine page displays.

  4. On the Basics tab, configure the following settings:

    Note: Navigate through the tabs and complete any mandatory fields as required for your organization, ensuring that the settings in the following table are configured as described.

    Section Field Configuration
    Instance details Size From the drop-down, select the required virtual machine instance size.
    Administrator account Authentication type Select the radio button for the type of authentication the Microsoft Azure admin user will use:
    • Password - password and confirm password field
    • SSH public key
    • If you select SSH public key authentication, the user is created without a password and will be unable to access the UI. You must set a password on lighthouse via SSH to login via GUI.
      To do this, log into Lighthouse via SSH keys, and use the ogpasswd utility to set the password in the following format: ogpasswd -u lh_admin -p MySecretPassword.
      Make sure that you replace "lh_admin" with the same username as the Mircrosoft Azure admin user that you enter in the next field and replace "MySecretPassword" with a password that meets your organizational requirements.
    Username Enter the username for the Microsoft Azure admin user.
    This defaults to "azureuser" but it is recommended to change this for security purposes.
    SSH public key source This defaults to Generate new key pair.
    Inbound port rules Select inbound ports From the drop-down, select the inbound ports enabled for the Lighthouse instance; SSH and HTTPS.
  5. At the bottom of the page, click the Next: Disks > button to move to the Disks tab.

  6. Under OS disk, from the OS disk type drop-down, select the required storage option for the boot disk.

  7. At the bottom of the page, click Review + Create.

  8. Wait for validation to complete, then at the bottom of the page, click Create.

    Note: Depending on your key pair selection, a dialog may appear, click the appropriate option to continue.

  9. In the left menu for the virtual machine, expand Help, and then click Serial console.
    The serial console opens and Lighthouse should now be deploying on Microsoft Azure.

  10. Complete the steps in Configure firewall rules for the virtual machine.