Add External IP Addresses Manually

On the initial Lighthouse boot, external endpoints are managed by Lighthouse and populated based on the current IPv4 and Ipv6 connections in Lighthouse. The external network address list updates depending on whether connections are added, updated, or removed.

You can optionally add external IP addresses for a Lighthouse instance to the configuration for that instance. External IP addresses can be IPv4, IPv6, or DNS names and are sent to a remote node during Enrollment in the order configured. In general, these should not be changed except by a network support engineer.

  • If you manually add external IP addresses to a Lighthouse configuration:

    • these addresses are sent to a remote node during enrollment.

    • any nodes that are already enrolled are not updated and must be re-enrolled to get the updated configuration.

    • Lighthouse no longer manages the list by default, and changes to connections do not change the external endpoints list.

  • If you do not manually add external IP addresses, default external IP addresses are used.

Note: If you remove all external endpoints, then the list returns to Lighthouse Managed and populates the list with the connections on Lighthouse.

To add external addresses to the configuration for a Lighthouse instance:

  1. In the Settings Pane, select > SYSTEM > Network Settings.
    The NETWORK SETTINGS page displays with the PRIMARY INSTANCE tab selected.

  2. Under EXTERNAL NETWORK ADDRESSES, click Add External Network Address.
    The ADD EXTERNAL NETWORK ADDRESS dialog displays.

  3. Enter the External Endpoint address.

  4. If the ports used on the entered IP address are different from the default settings, change the API Port, VPN Port, or Multi-Instance VPN Port .

  5. Click Add Address.

To change the order in which manually added IP addresses are sent to remote nodes:

  1. Use the icons to change the order in which the IP addresses are listed.

  2. Click Apply.