Enable Alternate REST API Ports

If you are planning to use the alternate REST API ports, you must make sure this option is enabled on both the primary and secondary Lighthouse servers, prior to enrollment of secondaries. Lighthouse will prevent the enrollment of a secondary Lighthouse instance if there is a mismatch in these settings. If this occurs, the message "Lighthouse is using Alternate API port" will be displayed on the secondary Lighthouse page.

To fix the issue, either:

  • Enable the Alternate REST API port on both Lighthouse servers, or

  • Disable the Alternate REST API port on both Lighthouse servers, then delete the failed Lighthouse Enrollment and try again.

Configure the Alternate REST API

The Alternate REST API Port is configured as follows:

  1. In the Settings Pane, select > SYSTEM > General Settings.
    The GENERAL SETTINGS page displays with the SESSION SETTINGS tab selected.
    The SESSION SETTINGS page displays.

  1. For Alternate API Port Status, select Enabled.

  2. Click Apply.

Note:  Additional enrollment-only REST API port is 8443.