Network Connections

When you boot Lighthouse, the physical interfaces and their connections are already available. This section describes the procedures if you need to configure additional connections.

IMPORTANT: If you have configured any additional interfaces using a method other than 'Add 2nd NIC Bash Shell Script', then you must migrate your configuration for the additional interfaces. Contact Support for migration information and assistance.

View available Network Connections

To see the network connections available to Lighthouse:

  1. In the Settings Pane, select > SYSTEM > Network Settings.
    The NETWORK SETTINGS page displays with the PRIMARY INSTANCE tab selected.
    You can see a list of network interfaces made available when Lighthouse was booted.

    Note: Additional interfaces are added to the VM that hosts Lighthouse. If you add additional interfaces, you must reboot Lighthouse to make the interface available to the Lighthouse instance for configuration.

  2. Under NETWORK INTERFACES, click the drop-down button next to the interface for which you want to see available connections.
    The information expands and displays the available network connections for the selected interface.

Edit a Network Interface

To edit a network interface:

Note:  Editing the network settings may break connectivity.

  1. In the Settings Pane, select > SYSTEM > Network Settings.
    The NETWORK SETTINGS page displays with the PRIMARY INSTANCE tab selected.

  2. Click on the interface Name link within the grid.
    The UPDATE dialog displays.

  3. Make the required changes.

    Note: You can use the Reserved for Smart Management Fabric check box to reserve selected interfaces for use with Smart Management Fabric.

  4. Click Update Interface.

Note:  Do not change the Connection Type of default network interfaces. If a default interface is not required, edit the interface and select Disabled.
If default-static and default-DHCP are changed to the same configuration method (that is, if both are set to Static assignment or both are set to DHCP), neither interface works.