Configure and Launch the Instance

  1. Ensure that you have completed one of the following:

    Note: You should have the Launch an instance page open.

  2. Configure the following sections:

    Section Configuration
    Summary On the right-hand side pf the page, enter the Number of instances you want to launch.
    Names and tags Enter any names and tags you want to use for the instance.
    These are user defined and set the configuration of what fields and values are displayed for the instance in AWS.
    Application and OS Images (Amazon Machine Image) This defaults to the AWS AMI that you have launched or selected.
    Confirm that the correct version, Lighthouse, or AMI are displayed in this section as appropriate.

    Note: The user name in this section should display as lhadmin.

    Instance Type

    From the Instance Type drop-down, select the instance type.
    Lighthouse should run on a general purpose instance type, such as M5.

    Note:  If an instance type that supports "burstable" CPU such as T2 is used, ensure that unlimited CPU is selected, to avoid operational problems caused by CPU throttling.

    For more information on Amazon EC2 instance types, see Amazon EC2 Instance types.

    When you chose your instance type, ensure that it is compatible with our recommended Lighthouse Virtual Machine Host Requirements.

    Key Pair EC2 requires a key pair to be specified when launching instances; from the Key pair name list, select your key pair.
    You should already have a key pair. For more information, see Before you begin.
    Network Settings A security group should be created; select the Create security group radio button and complete the appropriate steps to create the security group.
    Lighthouse requires some ports to be open:
    • SSH (TCP/22) – Secure Shell. Access should be limited to just your corporate network.
    • HTTPS (TCP/443) – Lighthouse Web UI and REST API. This is used by both web browsers and nodes. For example, call-home enrollment.
    • OpenVPN (UDP/1194) – Lighthouse VPN. This is used to communicate with nodes after they are enrolled.
    • Other ports may be required to be opened, depending on feature usage. For example:
    • SNMP (UDP/161) – SNMP Management
    • OpenVPN (UDP/1195) – Lighthouse Multiple Instance VPN
    • HTTPS (TCP/8443) – Alternate REST API port
    Configure Storage By default, the root volume is around 53 GiB.
    This may be sufficient, depending on your intended usage. It is easier to specify more storage now, but more can be added later.
    Advanced Details Scroll down to the User data - optional heading, and in the text field, and set the lhadmin password for the instance in the following format: password=topSecretPassword123.

    Note: If you do not specify the lhadmin password here, you can log into Lighthouse via SSH keys and use the ogpasswd utility to set the password: ogpasswd -u lhadmin -p MySecretPassword.

  3. On the right-hand side of the page, click Launch Instance.
    On successful launch, a success message displays.
    The instance is now viewable on the Instances page, but may take five minutes to deploy.

  4. To open Lighthouse from the instance:

    1. Ensure that you are viewing the Instances page in AWS.

    2. Click the Instance ID in the grid.

    3. In the details pane, click open address under the Public IPv4/IPv6 address.