Subscribe to the Opengear Lighthouse AMI on AWS Marketplace

Lighthouse is available on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Marketplace. You can subscribe to get access to our published AMIs.

Note: You must still contact Sales to obtain a license.

IMPORTANT: Before you perform this procedure, ensure that you have an account on AWS with an IAM user, a key pair and an access key. For more detailed requirements, see Before you begin.

  1. In your Web browser, go to AWS Marketplace: Opengear Lighthouse Software AMI.
    The Opengear Lighthouse Software AMI page displays.

    Note: Log in if you are prompted to do so. Alternatively, you can log in to AWS Marketplace first, then type "Opengear Lighthouse Software AMI" into the marketplace search bar and click on the item that appears in the search results.

  2. Subscribe to the AMI: view the purchase options and then accept the terms.

  3. Navigate to your Manage subscriptions page.
    You can find this under your AWS Marketplace Account information.
    A list of subscriptions appears.

  4. Locate the Opengear Lighthouse Software AMI subscription in the list.

  5. On the right-hand side of the row for the subscription, under Actions, click Launch.
    The Launch new instance page displays.

  6. From the Software version drop-down, select the latest version of Lighthouse.

  7. From the Region drop-down, select the region.

  8. Click the Continue to launch through EC2 button.
    The Launch an instance page displays.

  9. Complete the steps in Configure and Launch the Instance.