Update a Subscription to Lighthouse

If you update a subscription, the replacement is up to the matching subscription tier, and if a lower tier is applied, Lighthouse determines which nodes are applied to the subscription.

If you install a Lighthouse Enhance (LE) or Lighthouse Core (LC) subscription on a Lighthouse with an existing Automation Edition (AE) or Enterprise Edition (EE) subscription, then:

  • the LE subscription replaces the AE subscription and the LC subscription replaces the EE subscription.

  • NetOps modules are automatically deactivated. It is recommended to perform a clean up of NetOps BEFORE you upgrade to a LE or LC subscription. See Disable NetOps modules via template.

To upgrade a subscription:

  1. In the Settings Pane, select > SYSTEM > Subscriptions.
    The SUBSCRIPTIONS page displays with the SUBSCRIPTIONS tab selected.

  2. Click Update Subscription for the applicable subscription type.
    The NEW SUBSCRIPTION dialog displays.

  3. Click select file to navigate to and select the required zip file.

    Note: You can also drag and drop the zip file into the NEW SUBSCRIPTION dialog.

  4. Click Apply.
    If the subscription update replaces an Automation Edition (AE) subscription with a Lighthouse Enhance (LE) subscription or replaces an Enterprise Edition (EE) subscription with a Lighthouse Core (LC) subscription, then:

    • any nodes that were associated with the AE or EE subscription are automatically associated with the LE or LC subscription as appropriate.
    • any enrollment bundles that were using an AE or EE subscription are automatically associated with the LE or LC subscription as appropriate.
    • a warning is displayed to confirm that:
      • NetOps modules are automatically deactivated.
      • you cannot reapply an AE or EE subscription after the LE or LC subscription is applied.
      • a clean up of NetOps is recommended, see Disable NetOps Modules via Template.