Settings Pane

The Settings Pane provides access to the following:

Icon Item Description
Users & Accounts Expands the Users & Accounts Menu Items to manage Lighthouse users and accounts including configuration of groups and roles, authentication policies, and SSH settings.
Settings Expands the Settings Menu Items to manage Lighthouse settings including configuration of filters and tags, multi instance settings, Lighthouse services, and general system settings.
Lighthouse Admin Expands the Lighthouse Admin Menu Items for personalization such as the Lighthouse user interface theme and access the sign out option.

Users & Accounts Menu Items

Menu Item Description
Groups and Roles Access to managing user groups and roles within Lighthouse.
Local Authentication Policy Manage the Lighthouse password policy as well as login restrictions.
Local Users Access to managing the local Lighthouse users, which user group they are linked to and the inherited permission sets applied from the user groups.
Remote Authentication Configure and manage settings for remote authentication. Lighthouse supports local users only or remote authentication via Radius, TACACS+ and LDAP servers.
SSH Authentication Access to configuring the SSH for password authentication and connection as Root User.

Settings Menu Items

Menu Item Description
Filters Manage filters for nodes, ports and resources. The filters are selectable in the main dashboards.
Tags Manage tags that can be applied for nodes and resources.
Menu Item Description
Multi Instance VPN Access to setup the range for VPN tunnels between the primary and Secondary Lighthouses.
Secondary Lighthouse Manage secondary Lighthouses.
Menu Item Description
Alerting and Monitoring Manage setup and configuration for SNMP and SYSLOG services.
Cell Health Reporting Enable and configure cell health reporting signal quality range and frequency of reporting.
Console Gateway Configure the port delimiter and SSH address for the console gateway.
HTTPS Certificate Manage the Lighthouse SSL certificate.
Lighthouse VPN Setup the range for VPN tunnels between the Primary Lighthouse and Nodes, as well as the Smart Management Fabric network range.
Node Backup Enable backup and storage of the node backups.
Smart Management Fabric Opens the SMART MANAGEMENT FABRIC page where you can enable functionality utilizing dynamic routing protocols. This page has the following tabs:
Menu Item Description
Backup, Restore and Reset Backup and restore Lighthouse configurations, and access to performing a reset of the system to factory defaults.
Network Settings Opens the NETWORK SETTINGS page where you can: This page displays a tab for the primary instance and then a tab each for any configured secondary instances.
General Settings Manage session settings and set a custom login message. Opens the GENERAL SETTINGS page with two tabs:
Subscriptions Opens the SUBSCRIPTIONS page where you can manage available subscriptions and node assignments. This page has two tabs:
  • SUBSCRIPTIONS: Displays information about your subscriptions. See View Subscriptions.
  • SUBSCRIPTION ASSIGNMENT: Displays nodes and their assigned subscription and enabled you to assign subscriptions to nodes. See Assign Subscriptions to Nodes.
System Upgrade Perform a system upgrade.
Time Settings Manually configure timezone information or set to automatic and configure the Network Time Protocol servers.

Lighthouse Admin Menu Items

Menu Item Description
Theme Select between Light, System and Dark themes.
Sign Out Sign out of the Lighthouse session.